
Black Historians Matter Walking Tour with Ebonee Davis

Washington, DC (July 20, 2019), Ebonee Davis taking a break to enjoy the city while leading a walking tour through Ward 2.

Brittany Cash, tourist and walking tour participant, learning about the history of the Sankofa Cafe, popular to many Howard University Students.

Sankofa Cafe regular enjoying a coffee and sharing stories.

Ebonee Davis leading a walking tour of Ward 1 with Brittany Cash enjoying the sites.

Ebonee Davis providing a break while looking for the next location of interest on the walking tour.

Native Washingtonians trying to stay cool in the sweltering 103 degree heat wave.

Howard University fraternity brothers of Omega Psi phi taking a break during their car wash fundraiser.

Brittany Cash enjoying the scenery while taking a break in the summer heat.

Ebonee Davis posing for a photo.

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