Christmas Arrest By Collin Burns

You're under arrest, Santa Claus

Your cruel empire will finally fall.

We must acquire all of your wealth,

But we'll leave enough to keep your health.

All of the elves (and reindeer too)

Must pack their bags and say “adieu”

Lots of lawyers would surely pounce

On breaking and entering. (All ten thousand counts)

Private property violations:

Those alone will test my patience.

Screw all your gifts. Suck ice! Eat snow!

Fall off the roof like a domino!

Suck a fat one you piece of crap!

You're old and heavy. Run some laps!

Your funeral will have glad staff.

Grim Reapers cut your life in half.

The elves will riot, the people turn

Your workhouse won't be the first to burn.

Child labor has been outlawed.

You're under arrest, Mr. Claus.


Created with images by illustir - "Santa" • ewen and donabel - "Santa" • LoboStudioHamburg - "christmas atmosphere santa claus" • PublicDomainPictures - "santa claus christmas beard" • LoboStudioHamburg - "santa claus christmas man"

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