Good Life Nature Activity at the Florida Museum of Natural History By: Kunal Kaushal

An exterior photo of the Florida Museum of Natural History. This photo was retrieved from the website:

Nature on Display

Photos taken inside the "Frogs: a chorus of colors" exhibit. All photos were taken by me.

The exhibit that I chose to discuss is the "Frogs: a chorus of colors" exhibit because I found it very interesting and informative. The different types of frogs that they displayed, as well as the numerous interesting facts that encompassed the displays. While in this exhibit, one thing I learned that cannot be taught through another medium is that animals (to a certain extent) are beneficial to an individual's path to the Good Life. By teaching us new things every day and by shaping the ecosystem, animals allow humans to gain more knowledge about the world as a whole, which contributes to the Good Life. One thing that I found so enjoyable about this museum, and this exhibit in particular, is that they gave me a plethora of interesting and fun facts regarding the variety of natural phenomena and occurrences. The "Frogs: a chorus of colors" exhibit gave me a visual experience of the various types of interesting frogs, which made my overall experience better as a result.

Nature and Ethics

Photos taken inside the exhibit regarding clean energy. All of the above photos were taken by me.

The Natural History Museum did provide me with a chance to experience nature in the ways that Leopold recommends through the clean energy exhibit. While reading the various posters and boards about clean and renewable energy, I felt more knowledgable regarding how to use the environment to create energy without actually damaging the ecosystem itself. As I went through this exhibit of the museum, I thought that the Natural History Museum did a good job in presenting facts and statistics to advocate for the use of renewable and clean energy. While in the exhibit, I noticed that other people were also as intrigued in this concept of using the environment for clean energy and reducing energy consumption as I was. In addition, I thought the museum did a good job in allowing the visitors connect with nature, as they had a "Home Sweet Home" poster in the exhibit (seen behind me in the photo above). This photo listed numerous ways in which every household and individual can reduce energy consumption, which I thought was a brilliant idea. Overall, experience in the museum did convey and implant in me an ethical obligation of nature.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Photos taken inside of the Butterfly Museum. All of the above photos were taken by me.

While at the Florida Museum of Natural History, I was fortunate enough to enter the Butterfly Museum. This exhibit of the Natural History Museum helped me step up my daily life because it showed me the butterflies in a more natural and less restrictive habitat. This made me realize that the path to an individual's Good Life begins with protecting the Good Life of others (by this I mean that an individual can increase his good will and Good Life by protecting the butterflies and by not keeping them in restrictive cages). The Butterfly Museum helped me better understand the beauty of nature and the importance of protecting and conserving the safety these animals. As I walked in the Butterfly Museum and experienced these majestic creatures up close, I felt as if I became one with nature and I also noticed the immense joy of those visitors around me. This visit to the Butterfly Museum helped solidify the idea that the path to my own Good Life can be achieved by contributing to protecting and conserving our own ecosystem and its components.

Created By
Kunal Kaushal

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