Nervous system Gabriel coners

Nervous system diagram

Nervous system body parts

Cerebrum it controls all voluntary actions. The largest part of the brain.wear a helmet,eat healthy foods,learn new things,get plenty of sleep.

Cerebellum:controls the muscles.smlaller region in the lower part of the brain.wear a helmet,eat healthy foods,learn new things,get plenty of sleep.

Brain stem:keeps the automatic systems working.the posterio part of the brain.wear a helmet,eat healthy foods,learn new things,get plenty of sleep.

Spinal cord:carries messages to the body. The spinal cord is a long bundle of tissue. The spinal cord is surrounded by 24 interlocking bones called vertebrae.

Nervous system:sendes information to the brain/takes brains orders to the body.your nerves are like wires.exercise,do not smoke,get plenty of sleep,take care of your helth.

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