Staff Instructions:

Please join us for our 2nd annual Tyler Hill March Madness Bracket Challenge! We invite all of you to fill out a NCAA Men’s Basketball Bracket in our group pool.

Fill out your bracket on Selection Sunday (March 12th). There will be prizes for 1st place (THC Jacket), 2nd Place (THC Blanket), and 3rd Place (Pizza Party for your 2017 bunk)! Let the MADNESS begin!

1. Register for a account. If already registered, please proceed to #2.

***This message may appear on your login screen and is helpful: NOTE: This page is for your ID and Password. To join this group, you must first establish a membership. If you are already a member, please sign in using the form on the left. Otherwise you can create a free membership by clicking Register Now!

2. Access the group page:

***Our group name is: Tyler Hill Camp Staff 2017

3. A notification will be sent to pick brackets.

4. You must complete a bracket before the start of the tournament in order to participate.

Contact us if you have any questions!

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