Information Technology, Media & Communication By: Molly Cottrill

What is Information Technology, Media & Communication?

A specialization in Media, Communication and Information Technology qualifies students for marketing and information positions in companies or organizations.

How much money do you make for doing this?

If your just doing Information Technology Director you would make $179.548 Monthly you would make $14,962 and only a hour you would make $86 weekly $3,453

Things you would be using
Why is it a good thing to do it.

Technologies take many forms such as personal computers, smart phones, the internet, web and mobile.

Pros and Cons

Pros: It is fast and easier , Don't need paper and messages can be stored in the device for a long time as you need it Lower prices on communications to consumers.

Cons: There is no reliable trust sources fro the information. Does not reduced privacy and communication over a distance for you to someone that is from somewhere else in different state.

  • Lack of Social Skills
  • Depression
  • Lack of Privacy
  • Addiction
  • Neurosis
What is good about it?
  • Under Information Technology, the focus is on project management, organizational change, and instructional technique skills.
  • Under Communication, the focus is on social and digital media, web 2.0 and an overall understanding of traditional technology and communication theories.


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