The Natural Life An experience at the florida museum of natural history


The butterfly garden was by far my favorite exhibit in the museum. The exhibit was inherently interactive; to enjoy it fully, you naturally wanted to be involved with the butterfly fluttering around you. Without being immersed in this exhibit in this person, I may not have understood the delicate yet stunning nature of these creatures. The simplicity and peacefulness of the museum as a whole was incredibly enjoyable especially in the midst of my hectic life.


The Natural History Museum certainly provided me the opportunity to experience nature such that I respected, loved, and admired the land. As I went through the museum, I recognized the beauty that surrounded me from past eras. I realized that if – as global population – we continue our methods of mass destruction and wastefulness, the beauty that still exists today will quickly deteriorate and cease to exist. All of the exhibits caused the visitors to stop and take in the piece as a whole. The butterfly garden was the most interactive exhibit within the museum; it affirmed the fleeting qualities of natural beauty in the face of global warming and other human-caused travesties. I have always had a strong ethical responsibility to nature and the museum simply strengthened this value within me.


The Natural History museum forces us to recognize the legacy that proceeds us. Whether it was strolling by the overwhelmingly large shark jaw or reading about the Native Americans that originally inhabited Florida, you could feel the connection to the eternal. An important aspect of knowing yourself is certainly understanding those who proceed you. The mystery and majesty of the natural world specifically hit you as you recognize the massiveness of history and how small of a portion you actually take up. It’s both humbling and wonderful to realize that while you may be so insignificant in the grand scheme of things, you have the potential to change the world for the better.

Created By
Ruby Knopik

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