Travel Often. Eat Well. Love Huge. and my love for the open road

Dear Audi, you have crafted me a perfect steed for travel and I salute you for it's comfort, technology and class. I am destined for the road one more time from Vancouver to Los Angeles with nothing more than my pup, a camera, incredible AirB&B destinations and the unknown. I would love you to be a part of it. My hope is to collaborate and create potential internal content that inspires your clientele, especially women like myself, to hit the road. We could use photography or videos in short episodic form from pit stop to pit stop highlighting the communities, the people, the landscapes and of course, you. I am open to anything and would love to partner up. All the best, Beau Garrett

People don't take trips....trips take people. John Steinbeck

My name is Beau Garrett. I am an actress currently on the show Girlfriends Guide to Divorce. I am an adventurer, a seeker and a lover and I am currently the proud driver of an Audi Q5.

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