Kovno Ghetto Jason Hale, Fernando Cantor, RÆy Delcid V

Had a Jewish population of 35,000-40,000

A German mobile killing unit began a systematic massacres of Jews in several of the forts around Kovno, that led to half of the Jews murdered in Kovno. The Nazis destroyed the small ghetto on October 4, 1941 and killed almost all of its inhabitants at the ghetto.

The Nazis established a civilian administration under SA Major General Hans Kramer.

The ghetto in Kovno provided forced labor for the German military, Jews were employed primarily as forced laborers at various sites outside the ghetto, construction of a military airbase.

Located in Lithuania (southernmost of the Baltic states).

Closed ghetto, enclosed by barbed wire and closely guarded.

The Jews starved most of the time, horse meat and bread would be distributed once every two weeks, people would smuggle in food during the day. 200 grams of bread per person per day and 100 grams of horse meat per person per day.

Facts: In a single day the Nazis kill 9,200 Jews, there was workshops in the ghetto that were run by women, children, and the elderly, the Soviet army liberated Kovno on August 1, 1944, the Germans evacuated 2,500 to concentration camps in Germany including Kovno, the synagogues instead Kovno were never used for prayer...The Germans organized classical music concerts there, and the Kovno ghetto had several Jewish resistance groups. They acquired weapons and trained in secret areas in the ghetto, 300 ghetto fighters escaped.

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