Immigration by eduardo espinoza

Immigration is when you go to another country to get work legally or illegally.Many people are being taken away from their families because they are latin american.Many of my family and friend’s parents are latin american.

The effects 50 years to immigrants weren't much compared to what is happening right now. Back then, it was easy for many people to cross the border because the immigration act says that immigrants can be sent to their families or to be there to get work in the states.Most of what is happening right now, is not much of what is was back then.

Nobody knows what may happen in the future. Though, many people predict that the future will be maybe be very strict in immigration or will return back to normal like a century ago. Maybe many laws will change for immigrants or will be against our own kind.

Cesar Chavez was one of them because he helped many many who weren’t getting enough money from work, so he told many people to not help anyone with their crops, and will not do anything for anyone.Quotes:Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures, You are never strong enough that you don't need help.

Even though we are young we can still make stand for immigrants. We could make a foundation for people to to learn the cultures of others around the world ad try to make people believe for everyone.

Created By
Eduardo Espinoza


Created with images by ProgressOhio - "Rally For Immigration Reform" • ribzy - "immigration is rad!" • Fibonacci Blue - "International Workers Day march in Minneapolis" • Lion Multimedia Production U.S.A. - "Local #Iranian-Americans react to Iran banning Americans from visiting the country. The move is in response to #Fascist #Donald Trum#Trump's 90 day ban on travelers from #Muslim-majority nations. FOX 2's Hannah Saunders reports. #TRUMP" • cliff1066™ - "César Chávez, 1969 by Manuel Acosta, Oil on canvas" • Fibonacci Blue - "March in support of immigrants and refugees"

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