Christianity By: Emilija Vaiciulis and Kamile Cernauskaite

The founder of Christianity is Jesus Christ or Apostle Paul. Christianity was founded by the followers of Jesus of Nazareth also it had originated from a Jewish Religion. Christianity was connected because it was an off shoot of Judaism.

Christians believed that Jesus was the son of god. Christians holy book was the Bible. Church is a Christians place of worship. Christians had a lot of leaders including the Roman catholic pope, and the archbishop.

Some various sects of the religion were, church of the east, Oriental Orthodoxy, Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

Holidays included, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter, Ash Wednesday, Valentines day and, St. Patrick's Day. The most important celebration according to Christians was Christmas because, it celebrated god becoming a man, Christmas is observed by billions of people all around the world.

Other Important Facts: There are very large populations of Christianity on every continent on Earth, although there were many different types of the religion practiced. Christians had believed that god created heaven, Earth and the universe.

The christian cross was a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus.
Easter is one of the oldest festivals celebrated in the christian church, it was celebrated because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christmas is an annual festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.


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