Carlo's Pizza Strategy Workshop Snapshot


Joe, the owner, wanted to inform his email clients that they are now on Facebook. Social media was new to him and he already had a well established email list. In order to speed up the process of getting people from that list who may not know Carlo's pizza is on Facebook, Jeremy created a broadcast to alert the email list about the contest Shannon had started running.


Run a contest on Facebook that we could promote in an email broadcast to current fans of the pizza shop.


Create an email broadcast that links back to the Facebook page where they can submit their answer to the contest. Create an incentive ($20 gift card) to visit Carlo's Pizza Facebook page to increase fans ans engagement.


Everyone on their email list (789 active email customers) and current Facebook fans (194 fans when the contest started) reach 134 people, had 147 engagements between comments, likes and reactions.

The Look

The email broadcast body
The contest post from the Facebook page

Any Results?

Fuck yeah we got results! W increased more traffic to the page, the likes went up (252 new likes since running the contest), 27 people commented on the contest, the customer who won came in the day of to collect their gift card according to the manager, the CTR for the email broadcast was 17% and we had a 42% open rate on the broadcast.


Carlo's Pizza Strategy

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