#IAmAGoddess Movement Taking to Social Media for Change

the next step:

This section of my website is dedicated to a movement that aims to empower women by loving who they are and seeing the good in themselves. This movement is called “I Am A Goddess” and can be found trending several social medias through its hashtag. This movement allows women and men to express what characteristics they love about themselves and why that makes them goddess-like. As I have said before, women are seemingly devalued in certain beliefs and this is a great way to regain that immeasurable value. I believe everyone deserves to have a moment of complete self-love and to feel powerful beyond measure, because each good soul is that of goddess energy and we need to recognize that in all individuals. Below are numerous examples of this movement being portrayed on social medias like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Tumblr. Getting this message out there will inspire others to see the beauty in themselves, and that is an amazing outcome.

"I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don't have self-love, and respect for everything about your own body, your own soul, your own capsule, then how can you have an authentic relationship with anyone else?" --Shailene Woodley Read


Created with images by Cyril-Rana!! - "Portrait-Art" • AK Rockefeller - "First in Flight" • MsSaraKelly - "Space Woman" • Fæ - "Women's Rights" • MCAD Library - "Job" • narghee-la - "joker of hearts" • The Hyper-Psych Art of Michael J Bowman - "Emily"

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