The Fluting Knife Alexis Ahtila

A fluting knife can be used for a multitude of things, but one of the major things is v-shaped cutting. The knife its self is in a sort of triangle shape so it makes sense that it would specialize in v-cuts. You can make a fruit bowl out of a large melon by cutting v shapes around the edges.

Fluting Knife

The fluting knife was used to make cuts in this mushroom, which is used as a garnish on top of this pasta dish.

Mushroom Cut

The fluting knife can be used to make a v-cut design in a lemon and can be used as a garnish along side a dish do make the plate look more appealing.

You can use a fluting knife to cut into a watermelon and make a design along the edge and use it as a decorative fruit bowl.

This is another creative design using the fluting knife that would be perfect for a kid's birthday party.
Created By
Alexis Ahtila

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