Good Life Tour of the Harn Spark Story By: Alyssa Harris

Medium of the Art/ Technique of the Artist

This sculpture is titled Reclining and was made by Alexander Archipenko, who was the first Cubist sculptor. He studied themes of geometry space and motion and was fascinated by the human body. He combined these interests with sculptures like these to use the body to analyze volume, space, and geometric planes. This sculpture demonstrates the Medium of the Art because this sculpture of a woman is not how women look in real life. Although it looks different, this sculpture manages to capture the beauty and calmness of a woman reclining back.

Design of the Museum

The image shown above is panoramic view to depict the design of the museum. The blue and green lighting from the outdoor light created a spotlight for me to stand in. The white pedestals that have artwork on them are placed in a V formation and are for the most part symmetrical. The color coordination of the wood on the floor to the wood on the doorway as well as the white pedestals with the white walls is very aesthetically pleasing. As a dancer, the combination of the "spotlight", symmetry, and color coordinations, this space was appealing to me because it reminded me of a performance stage.

Art and Core Values

This sculpture is titled Family and was made by Agustin Cardenas. The sculpture evokes feelings of love for family and desire for family to stay healthy and happy. The fact that they are all hugging shows that they care about each other and support each other both physically and mentally.

Art and the Good Life

The masks shown in this picture areĀ Ancestor MasksĀ made by the Kuba People. Each mask can present a different emotion or feeling. Some masks can showcase fear or sorrow, while others can present love or happiness. These masks demonstrate art and the good life because on the path to finding the good life, we experience different emotions and feelings. We learn from these experiences and are able to continue down our paths to finding the good life.

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