
川普国家安全顾问表示,华为威胁是“第一大担忧” 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:《国会山(The hill)》;作者:Maggie Miller;发布时间:November 16, 2020 /2020年11月 16日




华为被美国在全世界围追堵截这么长时间,如今虽然元气大伤,但是也还依旧存在,许多欧洲国家扭扭捏捏地禁止使用华为, 也不敢真正挺直腰杆维护国家安全。华为是中共在全世界的一个大布局,川普总统在第一任的任期的大部分时间内对中共的威胁并没有一个足够清醒的认识,但是在这次选情欺诈上,已经让他转变方向,决心灭共。这次总统大选里虽然华为没有明面的参与,但是可想而知华为的监控和技术一定是操纵选举背后的支持。



Huawei threat 'No. 1 concern' moving forward, Trump national security adviser says


National security adviser Robert O’Brien said that Chinese telecommunications company Huawei is the “number one concern” for democracy moving forward.


In an interview with The Hill’s editor-at-large Steve Clemons as part of the 2020 Global Security Forum that took place last week, O’Brien pointed to concerns over the use of Huawei equipment in 5G networks around the world, accusing the embattled company of being an intelligence threat due to its potential access to sensitive networks.

在与国会山特约编辑史蒂文•克莱蒙斯 (Steven Clemons)在2020全球安全论坛(2020 Global Security Forum)上的一次采访中,奥布莱恩指出对华为设备在5G网络中的应用令人担忧,因为华为可以进入敏感网络,他指这个陷入困境的公司是一个情报威胁。

“If you believe in democracy and you're concerned about our elections, that's the number one concern that we've got going forward and that all the democracies have is what China could do with that Huawei backbone in our countries,” O’Brien said. “It's really quite scary.”


O’Brien detailed concerns that Huawei, which the Trump administration has taken a series of steps to push back against, could give the Chinese government “backdoors to pull up every bit of data in the world.”


O’Brien applauded work done by the Trump administration to pressure allied countries into excluding Huawei equipment from sensitive networks, noting that he believed several nations had made this choice due to concerns around data privacy and security.


“What's really turned especially the Europeans, but also many of the Asians, is the fact that their personal private data is going to be owned 100 percent by the Chinese Communist Party,” O’Brien said.


“Think of what you could do with that from a microtargeting standpoint in an election,” he said. “If you know everybody, if you know their hopes, if you know their fears, if you know who's having an affair, if you know who's been diagnosed with cancer, if you know who's having financial difficulties, if you know what someone's dream vacation is. Think of taking all that information and then on a micro basis, being able to target that person, to blackmail them, to entice them, to attempt to influence them.”


A spokesperson for Huawei did not respond to The Hill’s request for comment on O’Brien’s concerns. Huawei has repeatedly pushed back strongly against concerns that it poses a national security threat.



Huawei, along with Chinese telecom group ZTE, is among the entities included on the Commerce Department’s “entity list,” which effectively bans U.S. companies from doing business with the telecom giant, which is one the largest providers of 5G equipment in the world.


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted unanimously last year to classify Huawei as a national security threat, and to ban U.S. telecom groups from using funds in the FCC’s $8.5 billion Universal Service Fund to purchase Huawei equipment. Huawei is currently in the middle of a legal battle challenging this designation.

去年联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)投票一致同意将华为归类为国家安全威胁,并且禁止使用联邦通信委员会85亿美元一般服务基金(Universal Service Fund)的美国电信公司购买华为设备。华为正在进行法律战以挑战这项决定。

In addition, President Trump signed legislation into law in March banning U.S. companies from using federal funds to buy Huawei equipment. The legislation also provided $1 billion to help small rural telecom groups rip out Huawei equipment and replace it.


Outside the U.S., the Swedish government announced last month that Huawei equipment could not be used to build new 5G networks, citing national security concerns.


The United Kingdom announced earlier this year that all mobile network operators would be required to stop buying Huawei equipment by the end of the year, and would also be required to rip out and replace all existing Huawei equipment by 2027.


The French government has also taken action against Huawei this year, declining to fully ban the use of Huawei equipment, but strongly encouraging telecom companies to avoid the use of the group’s equipment.


One key problem with rooting out Huawei equipment in the U.S. is that the nation does not have any major 5G equipment provider to take its place, a situation that has thrust telecom groups Ericsson, based in Sweden, and Nokia, a Finnish company, into the spotlight.


O’Brien referenced both companies in applauding countries for moving away from Huawei.


“I feel like I've been an unpaid spokesperson for Ericsson and Nokia for the last year and a half, and I have a Nokia phone myself ... and I think it's an incredible thing, but what's happened is the West is slowly awakening to what's happened, and we now have dozens and dozens of companies — of countries that have decided they're going to work with trusted providers,” O’Brien said.


“What that means is they're not going to have ZTE, they're not going to work with Huawei, they're not going to have the Chinese Communist Party in the backbone of their telecommunication systems,” he added.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】