Brown vs. Board of Education by Megan and Celine

Background: Linda Brown and her sister had to cross a dangerous railroad to get to their bus stop every morning. So they felt unsafe and and not equal to the whites who had a safer way of getting to and from school. Her family thought this went against the 14th amendment, so they took it to the supreme court.

Side One: The side of brown waned no segregation. They fought for schools to be safe and equal for everyone.

Side Two: The Board of Education said segregation was legal so it was not unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court decision: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the side of Brown. The court found the practice of segregation unconstitutional.

How did it affect the law: Made it so schools were no longer segregated. All students (african american and white) went to school together.

How did it affect the culture: African Americans started standing up for themselves. This is what marks the beginning of the civil rights movement to a lot of people.


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