A ta santé Unit 14 Français II

The scaffolding: lesson 1

healthy v unhealthy


student questionnaire and health score

Le poster: Lesson 2

The imperative is used to give commands, make suggestions and give advice.

mentor text
DEAR ABBY: My mom wants me to exercise more. Currently, I just walk a lot (in my house and around the block). I know exercise is a good idea, but I'm really self-conscious about it. I never feel like I'm doing it right (because I know you can easily pull a muscle), and I feel like everyone else in the gym is judging me.
Bonjour ...je vous écrit car j'ai une amis qui fait 75kg pour 1m63, elle a tenter pleins de régime, elle a perdu beaucoup de poids mais en a repris aussi là elle essaye de perdre ces derniers kilos mais elle y arrive plus, aucun régime de marche et elle désespère. je voudrais l'aidé car elle souffre beaucoup de ça et en vient à se détester merci de me dire comment je pourrais l'aider.

Design a poster on using canva giving advice on 8-10 healthy habits.

Choose a theme important to you: eating right, exercising, study habits, friendship, internet safety...

Write your 8-10 tips or advice using the imperative, in both the affirmative and negative.

Review what we liked about the mentor posters in the beginning of class, what was visually appealing, what worked or didn't.

Gallery walk

Lesson 3: creating the rubric

Rubrique du projet - Une journée typique

Lesson 4: Creating a video text

Topics, addition of charts and graphs


Created with images by gildas_f - "La Pharmacie" • julenka - "nice apples green eating healthy" • cc.photoshare - "욕망 시리즈 - eat, by 김목화" • HannahWells - "plank fitness muscular" • Tony Webster - "Couch Car @ Minneapolis Art Car Parade" • Parker Knight - "PSU Mon Feb 20, 2012 87" • RubyGoes - "MSF" • Search Engine People Blog - "cacherank bar chart" • jjrb230 - "TEMP CHART HotSmart"

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