The Etruscans And why they wanted to conquer Rome

The Etruscans were people who wanted to conquer Rome. One major reason why this was so is because of the great resources and land forms that Rome had can greatly help a civilization. The mountains, specifically the Alps, would help to isolate the civilization, and could help if they wanted to plan designs for weapons, buildings, or any other ideas that they had, in secret, and they have a small border within the Apennines, although they are easy to cross. The lakes, rivers, and seas help to protect the area, and provide a different food source as well. The hills also provide protection, and a great place to build a lookout on the neighboring civilizations.

All in all, the Romans became subjects to the Etruscans, but ended up vanquishing them in the end, and were able to play the advantages and disadvantages of the land forms well, becoming one of the most well-known empires in history. Everything has it's advantages and disadvantages, but the real question is the way you use them.


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