Korean Enviroment Isaac Arias Period 2

Whenever someone would hear about North Korea usually nothing but negative opinions about it would appear. So out of curiosity I chose North Korea to research to see if there really is nothing worthy of visiting in that country.

North Korea

In 2003, Over 70% of the country was covered with forest, and 80% of North Korea was mountainous. However, in 2013, there was a major absence of wildlife. Some creatures started becoming endangered, while others remained to thrive. One of these creatures that were unaffect by the event were Korean Skink


Korean Skink Plestiodon(Blue Tongued Skink)

The Korean Skink(Plestiodon) found in moist, wooded habitats in North Koreas forests and North America. These lizards are not of any danger of becoming extinct as they live in different ecosystems.

Fun Fact: If its tail is grabbed by a predator, it will detach its self from the lizard giving it time to escape as the predator's attention is on the tail. It eventually grows back.

Fun Fact: Back then it was said that the skinks were venomous, as it seems so becuase of its blue tail. This, of course, is false.

Citation: http://lntreasures.com/koreanorth.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_of_North_Korea https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plestiodon http://bluetongueskinks.net/funfacts.htm


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