Polar Bear Victoria Arteaga

About Polar Bears; Polar Bears are marine mammals, that lives sea ice of the Arctic Ocean. Polar bears are the only bear that are classified as a marine mammal. They also have a thick layer of body fat that keeps them warm from the cold air and the freezing water.

Morphological and Molecular Evidence; Brown Bears from Alaska are the closest relatives to Polar Bears. Both bears have about a 6.5% similarity. Although the similarity percentage is very small, they both have similar body structures and systems.

penguins and Polar Bear have a very similar living conditions.

Homologous Structures; Penguins and Brown bears have a very similar basic structure but a different functions. Brown bears and Polar bears are so alike because Polar bears evolved from Brown bears.

Evolution of bears: First, was Brown bears then, Polar bears after, was Asiatic Black Bear.

Fun facts: Brown bears originated about 150,000 years ago.

Fun fact; Unlike Polar bears, Brown bears are mainly vegetarians.

Vestigial Structures: For Polar bears, their vestigial structure is their whiskers. Vestigial structures is a structure in which the organism loses all of its original function. This happens in the course of evolution.

Transitional Fossils: Even though, Polar bears evolved from Brown bears, they aren't the same. For starters Brown bears are brown and Polar bears are white.

Comparative Embryology:


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