Harn Museum of Art by: Derek diel

Medium of the Art

This piece by Yvonne Jacquette called "Filaments of Light" struck me instantly. I noticed her extremely different point of view on artwork and scenery. It is quite clear what she was creating, and her take on it was extremely unique. She used a form of art in which she only drew the portions of which light was striking the points in the piece. This made it possible to create a 3D representation of the city on a 2D surface that just looks like random dashes of lines up close. This piece really made me feel a deep love for our cities and for the physics of light. The medium of work struck me as one of the most unique perspectives of what visuals look like.

Design of the Museum

This photo is of the Contemporary Wing. My intent was to visually represent the vast openness of the exhibit and the minimalist architecture. Contemporary structures and artwork is especially appealing to me because it encapsulates the ideals and feelings of Millennials. The lighting was very clean, the edges and placement of pieces were uniform, the themes were very progressive, and the art itself was very beautiful and modern.

Art & Core Values

This is a video of Martha Rosler called "Semiotics of the Kitchen." One of my core values in my life is the desire for equality among all, and this is exactly what this piece of art addresses. Martha Rosler made this video to expose the social stigmas of women in the household, and challenged the traditional role of a woman. This exhibit was very progressive, and refreshed my knowledge on the oppression that women have faced and fought to overcome. This video, although greatly exaggerated, made me realize that the feats of women's rights should not be forgotten.

Art & The Good Life

The final stop of the tour was in the Water Garden of the David A. Cofrin Asian Art Wing. As you can see, the weather that day was absolutely flawless and the garden was lively. Personally, one of my most important values within attaining a good life is bliss in nature. There is an innate human desire to be one with our natural surroundings, and relaxing outside on a beautiful day simply does things to the human soul that we cannot describe. The stellar garden helped me to re-appreciate how amazing our world is, and how unique the Asian style of gardening is.

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