Walking Travel by ezra hernandez

I'm leaving today from Elk City ID, to Orofino ID which is 84.1 Miles away.

Week 1: I have traveled 9.01 miles this week.

Week 2: I traveled 10.74 miles this week. In total I have traveled 19.75 miles.

Week 3: I have traveled 10.3 miles this week. In total I have traveled 30.05 miles.

Week 4: I have traveled 15.6 miles this week. In total I have traveled 45.65 miles.

Week 5: I have traveled 8.7 miles this week. In total I have traveled 54.35 miles.

Week 6: I have traveled 12.7 miles this week. In total I have traveled 67.05 miles.

Week 7: This week I have traveled 8.02 miles. In total I have traveled 75.07 miles.

Week 8: I have traveled 7.8 miles and reached my destination. In total I have walked 82.87 miles.

When I got into town, I stopped and ate some pizza at the pizza factory. They had really good pizza.

I plan to walk out further and take some cool pictures by the lake. I need a good profile picture.

In the future I would like to get out about this far so I can improve my stamina and possibly find cool things on the way.


Created with images by snowpeak -- taking some time off - "Henry Mountains, Utah" • Fokket - "100_1131"

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