Cry plan Katie delay

10 reasons baby might cry:

  1. Hungry
  2. Needs to be burped
  3. Fussy
  4. Needs attention
  5. Teething
  6. Needs new diaper
  7. Feels sick
  8. Too cold or too warm
  9. Tired
  10. In pain

10 things to soothe a baby

  1. Feed baby
  2. Change baby's diaper
  3. Rock baby
  4. Sing to baby
  5. Try to make baby laugh
  6. Go on walk with baby
  7. Go on drive with baby
  8. Give baby toy or comfort item
  9. Talk to baby
  10. Out baby in moving swing

10 things to calm Yourself

  1. Take deep breaths
  2. Watch show to get your mind off it
  3. Read a book
  4. Sleep if baby is sleeping
  5. Ask family member or friend to soothe baby for a minute
  6. Think happy thoughts
  7. Listen to music
  8. Drink tea or coffee
  9. Eat chocolate
  10. Rest

5 people to call for help

  1. Significant other
  2. Neighbor
  3. Parent
  4. Friend
  5. Doctor

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