Cougar Communication March 27-31

Welcome Saro Scott!

If you see a new face in the hallway, Ms. Saro Scott is joining the Explorer Team as the new math teacher. This will be Aesha's last week with us---please join us in wishing her the best, and in welcoming Saro Scott to our faculty from West Middle School, where she was a Math Interventionist!

Budget Reduction

Due to continuous state education budget shortfalls, our district is seeing a budget reduction at each building level of 5% in the areas of general operations. This does impact our instructional budgets and professional development funds somewhat. These accounts are different than building activity accounts. Bottom line-heads up there is a little less money as school budgets were reduced at every school.

We will still provide a budget to individual teachers of up to $75 for classroom supplies to be purchased this late spring to have for next fall. Jolene will be processing those purchase requests.

Principal Interviews

March 31st was originally the date of building advisory committee interviews for top finalists for the principal position. This may be moved to the first week in April. More to come!

Special Events this Week!!

Tuesday, March 28th, there will be a short assembly at the end of the day (switch in Advisory time) to promote the Faculty BB Game. Our Boys BB champs will also be recognized. State assessment testing is still going be a focus of the day, so special thanks to teams and Charlie for creating a schedule that works for everyone!

Admin and BLT have been working together on bringing Anthony Butler out to our building on Wednesday the 28th for both staff and students. We are working on a schedule so that each grade level has an assembly with Mr. Butler, centered around our equity work and specific grade level messages based on feedback from team leaders. Anthony will then stay with staff at 1:45 during Wed Collaboration time for a conversation with faculty!

South Community Bond Presentation

There will be a bond presentation April 10th (coincides with a home track meet on purpose). Our South and Broken Arrow parent community will be invited to a presentation here in the South Auditorium at 6pm that evening. If you know interested community members, they are absolutely welcome.

Wednesday Collaboration Time

As noted above, keynote speaker from MS PD, Anthony Butler, will be here to talk with staff, both classified and certified. Please plan to meet in the Library at 1:50 for a conversation! We will have extra chairs available, of course. Paraprofessionals, please plan to join us!

Wishing each of you a terrific week!

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