The challenge of being a halftime performer By: Riley moOrhouse

The main question is do the halftime performers even get paid?

Lady Gaga is the main halftime performer of this year's super bowl.

It's that time of year again, the super bowl! With the greatness of the commercials and the game, we all know the most important part is of course, the halftime show. Though, the amazing performers go on the stage and throw an outstanding performance, we still don't even know if they get paid at all!

This is the halftime performance of last year, starring Beyonce, Bruno Mars, and Coldplay.

Several reporters have asked NFL this exact question, yet there is still discussion in the air. Although, some news broadcasts have shown that NFL asks the performers to pay to perform. But, NFL does pay for all expenses and costs of the overall production. According to the New York Times,"The N.FL. does not pay an appearance fee, though it does cover all of the expenses for the band and it's often ample entourage of several dozen stagehands, family and friends." This quote states that NFL does not in fact pay the performers for performing, yet they do cover the overall expenses of the entire production.

This is the logo for the Superbowl 2017.

Even though performers do not get paid, most performers do in fact pay to perform anyways! The halftime show is an amazing way to promote new albums or promote yourself as an artist. Over a million viewers watch the Superbowl every year. On the website, they state,"They DO NOT get paid. NFL spokesperson Joanna Hunter explained to Forbes that: 'We do not pay the artists. We cover expenses and production costs.'" This quote shows that interviewed NFL's spokesperson Joanna Hunter to see if this, is in fact true.

This is the NFL official logo.

Joanna did explain to Forbes that they do not pay the artists. To conclude, the performers for the halftime show do not in fact, get paid! But, the NFL does cover for all other expenses. So, in a sense, everyone wins.

This is the real Superbowl trophy.

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