Top Consoles rating the best gaming systems

For $400, you get the console, an HDMI cable, a DualShock 4 controller and charging cable, and an earbud-microphone for chat. You also get a 30-day trial of Sony's PlayStation Plus online gaming service and Music Unlimited, a streaming music service, plus $10 to spend in the PlayStation Store.The PS4 is a good choice for the gamer who enjoys playing fast-paced, graphics-intensive games with a controller. The PS4 is the most powerful console of the current generation.Sony has focused on the social aspects of gaming with the PS4. For example, it lets you share clips and stream video of your game-play sessions.

The Xbox one comes with a Kinect sensor, an HDMI cable, an Xbox One Wireless Controller, a headset for chat, and a download code for the game Titanfall. For $400, you can get the console without the Kinect sensor; this bundle includecapable of fantastic visuals and has a solid controller that's essential for demanding games, such as first-person shooters and fast-paced action titles.In addition to its gaming features, Xbox s a wireless controller, chat headset, HDMI cable, and power supply.The console is One comes with entertainment options including a built-in Blu-ray player, plenty of streaming options including Netflix and Hulu Plus, and the Xbox One Guide, which lets you watch and control your cable box without switching inputs.

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