
Edward Photovoice Portfolio

Week 1

This all my six photos
This was my best 3 photos. The first picture is a picture of a fake turtle and the picture was taken at my house. The second picture is a picture of my mom and I took the pictur at my home round 10:00 PM. The third picture is my selfie and I took this picture at school during class.

Week 2

This is My 4 pictures 2 portrait and 2 snapshots. My best 2 pictures were the top right because I looked how it looked and how it reflected. The other picture was the top left because you can see it’s a snapshot.

Week 3

These 2 pictures were my favorite because both of them have a story. The message is that there looking at the poster about immigrtion. The message is to stop deportations. And that immigrants are people too.

Week 4

Artist Stament

For my final photo project i would my message is to stop deportation and that immigrats are people to in America no one is illegal in America. The message is important to me because i hav seen all over the news immigrants not being treated well. When my audience sees my picture i want them to think that immigrants are people to and that no human being is illegal.

Week 5

Week 6

Immigration is an issue that has been in the news a lot recently because of Trump and his idea of creating a wall at the border between the US and Mexico. Immigrants are coming to the US to have a better life and escape violence in their home towns. Many legal immigrants are facing discrimination and racism even though they are citizens. I don't understand why we need to judge people based on where they come from or what language they speak. America is a country of immigrants, and that is who we are as Americans. It is offensive to call someone "illegal" because everyone is human. Just i would my message is to stop deportation and that immigrats are people to in America no one is illegal in America. The message is important to me because i hav seen all over the news immigrants not being treated well. When my audience sees my picture i want them to think that immigrants are people to and that no human being is illegal.

Created By
Edward M

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