Poetry Study By: Kennedy herbel block:7

"Love is Like" by: Allen Steble

Love is like a painting

filled with all colours and shades

love is like a bleeding heart

cut with many sharp blades

love is like a never ending story

that always begins with a kiss

love is like a space everlasting

that fills bitterness with bliss

love is like the circle of eternity

always there to take for free

* The song writer uses similes to describe what love is. Since is talks about love is space everlasting, I get the feeling that love never stops, and it is a never ending story.

** The similes used shows the reader that love can be interpreted many different ways. but in the end love only has one meaning and it is a circle of eternity.

"Love Is" By: Jessica

Love is a walk in the rain at night,

Two hands, holding onto each other tight;

Love is honey on a pair of lips,

Onto a tender heart it drips;

Love is a soft and gentle touch;

Your heart, a child's hand may clutch,

Love is a song that stains the air,

Dead or not, it's always there;

Love is both the sun and moon,

Across the sky, like stars, it's strewn;

Love is a tree of abundant fruit,

Giving and serving with every new shoot;

Love is a document, faithful and strong,

To one another, now do you belong;

Love is a river that rages with passion,

Finding ways to calm pools no matter the fashion.

* The writer uses metaphors to describe what love is. Since it says in the first line that "Love is like a walk in the rain at night" I get the feeling that love is a strong bond between two people, that care and protect one another.

** The metaphors used shows the reader that love is many things, not just someone showing compassion to another, but there are many more interpretations behind the word "Love".

"AUTUMN Season"By:Phyllis babcock

Autumn brushes her hair slowly

Letting the glorious colors

flow gently to the earth below.

Showing off vibrant colors

in contrast to summer's green dress.

Out doing the starkness,

of winter's white coat.

Autumn compares the mutable

shades of spring to her fall

Giving a sigh ,end of another season.

She packs her brush

as frost touches her tips.

* The writer uses personification to help the reader understand how the season Autumn works. For example in line one it says that Autumn brushes her hair slowly. To me this means that the leaves are falling off of the tree, and Autumn has finally begun, with its vibrant colors.

** The personification used helps the reader understand that Autumn comes and goes and it explains how it begins and how it ends. For example in the eleventh line it say she packs her brush. To me this means that Autumn has come to an end and it will be back next year.

"Cancer" By: Kennedy Herbel

The doctors don't know the answer

To why my grandma has cancer

It has eaten away her body

It has affected everybody

Cancer is like fire

Going through her body like a wire

Medicine does its best

But she always has more tests

We hope one day

It will all go away.


Created with images by nigelhowe - "Sunset" • Steve Charman - "Love" • rightee - "Love" • seyed mostafa zamani - "Autumn" • Presidencia de la República Mexicana - "Inauguración del Hospital Municipal de Chiconcuac"

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