Phytosonus Bioresonance Apothecary Of Nature 'Songs'

Nature has a language that communicates itself through its sounds, scents and colours, textures, and more...

This language has been captured in a unique healing genre known as Phytosonus Bioresonance.

Phytosonus is the use of phyto resonance on the human bio-energy field (aura) and form, to bring balance to the aura, chakras, and meridians, that may have been emotionally, physically or spiritually damaged.

By firstly determining the sounds that are missing from the client’s bio-energy field and secondly giving back these sounds to the client in the form of Nature 'songs'/sound essences; the emotional, mental, and spiritual situations, and elemental balance in the body can be achieved.

Phytosonus Bioresonance helps us release what we cannot always express in words.

Each system in the body, each organ, each cell has a natural resonant frequency at which it vibrates. When certain vibrations of external origin pass through the body, they affect the parts that have a natural resonance with those specific vibrations. So by directly applying Nature 'songs' to the living matrix, the nervous system is globally and profoundly affected.

Phytosonus Bioresonance is the seed of the spiritual found in the physical.

The human voice is a powerful carrier wave and imparts much knowledge as to what is happening within the inner worlds of your being. The nuances, intonations, and annunciations provide the map to the subtle refined territory of your consciousness and the ongoing of the worlds of energies within. So in effect, in the sound of your voice are the keys to the innumerable worlds within. Within your voice are the different dimensions of your consciousness. Within each of these dimensions, are worlds of energies and emotional patterns that create the inner matrices of your being and overall wellness.

By capturing the nature 'songs' in a bioresonance essence, Phytosonus Bioresonance provides the means to "sing" the healing song of nature to the space within you, so you can both transform and transcend memories and/or energies as needed.

Phytosonus Bioresonance expands awareness and assists in the integration of consciousness.

The living library of nature 'songs' will ease you into a vibrational shift of sharing and flowing with energy. From nature, you will learn how to merge and emerge through the majestic 'playground' of nature 'songs' to bring a sense of total harmony and wellbeing through the layers of a body. Through the journey you will be transformed by the simplicity of what is, Phytosonus Bioresonance.

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