My learning diary TechnoCLIL2017 Angela morgoglione

Something about me...

Hi, I'm Angela Morgoglione.

I live in Castellammare di Stabia, near Naples

This is my town... Do you like it?

I love travelling...

Budapest - Hungary -The Hungarian Parliament Building
Budapest - The Gellert termal baths
Zakynthos island - Greece -Navaios beach

Cooking.. pet friends

..the little things

I teach Maths and Science in a lower secondary school

This is my school

I think the best way to learn is












My first CLIL approach...

It was in French language, with Institut francais Grenoble in Naples

I knew Technoclil last year and i attended to the EVO session 2016

This year i enrolled me in TechnoCLIL 2017: I was in good company, that's for sure!

My flag

Here there is my digital portfolio for

CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning - is a "dual focus" methodology, fostering the development of language competences and the delivery of subject content at the same time. This EVO session is aimed at spreading CLIL methodology, combining teaching strategies and technical tools and eliciting reflections and discussions among teachers from all over the world. It is important to share good practices from the different countries and learn from other colleagues through synchronous and asynchronous web meetings.
CLIL IS AN UMBRELLA TERM covering a dozen or more educational approach
Clil is...

-An opportunity for both teacher and students.

-A great occasion for collaborative teaching and learning too.

-An improvement not only of student's language and contents competences, but also even more of self-confidence.

Clil opens the minds!
With the expansion of the European Union, diversity of language and the need for communication are seen as central issues. With increased contact between countries, there will be an increase in the need for communicative skills in a second or third language

The 4 Cs

Content - Progression in knowledge, skills and understanding related to specific elements of a defined curriculum. Content drives language learning.
Communication - Using language to learn whilst learning to use language
Cognition - Developing thinking skills which link concept formation (abstract and concrete), understanding and language
Culture - Exposure to alternative perspectives and shared understandings, which deepen awareness of otherness and self. Students are encouraged to understand themselves as citizen of the world, and to understand and embrace other cultures. The ultimate goal is to promote international awareness and understandig

CLIL a lesson frameworks

Today there is international recognition that education is more than just learning knowledge and thinking, it also involves learners' feelings, beliefs and the cultural environment of the classroom. Nevertheless, the importance of teaching thinking and creativity is an important element in modern education. Benjamin Bloom was the first to develop a highly popularized hierarchy of six thinking skills

CLIL methodology improves teaching and learning at the same time, anyway the downside is that the Class Council doesn't always collaborates and partecipates to CLIL
Exploring the potenzial of Web 2.0 in the implementation of CLIL

The importance of CLIL teachers collaborating with others to create a powerful learning system

Computer assisted language learning (CALL) refers to any process in which the learner uses a computer to improve foreign language competence. The technology includes not only computers but also smart phones, tablets, MP3 players, and consoles. CALL therefore includes: ■ Authentic foreign language material, such as video clips, flash-animations, web-quests, pod-casts, web-casts, and news etc.; ■ Online environments where learners can communicate with foreign language speakers, through email, text-based computer-mediated communication (synchronous and asynchronous), social media, or voice/video conferencing; ■ Language-learning tools (online apps or software), such as for phonetics, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and clause analysis, which may include a text-to-speech function or speech recognition, and often includes interactive and guided exercises; ■ Online proprietary virtual learning environments, which offer teacher-student and peer-to- peer communication; ■ Game-based learning. Because of technology, learners tend to be more engaged in the process of learning, and have a more positive attitude towards learning. In particular, students perceive the use of computers as an innovative and attractive learning method.

Focus on the value added by digital and mobile learning to the development of language competences and to the teaching/learning of subject content in a foreign language through CLIL methodology

Video clips can play an important role in a teacher training pathway, both for initial teacher training and for in-service training.

Reflecting on my favourite webtool

Adobe Spark is a free, web amazing app to create and share instantly beautiful web page stories with test and images in motion.

The potential of technologies for CLIL

In my opinion, the benefits of ICT are many.I see the benefits of this process on the effectiveness of my teaching and in the students’ involvement in the process of learning. ICT can support CLIL in many ways. It can: be a powerful motivator; add variety and interaction to a lesson; provide stimulating visuals to support understanding of language; help create attractive and professional resources; provide teachers with linguistic support; be a rich source of cultural awareness; allow students to work collaboratively or independently.

Clil pathways

Participants will be guided to explore some tools for planning a CLIL pathway and implementing it in the most effective way. Let’s work on a CLIL lesson plan.

The 5 C: When teachers are planning a CLIL lesson, there are five things to think about - Content, Communication, Competences, Community and Cognition.


A CLIL project work

Examples of CLIL lessons

My CLIL lesson plan


The peer review of my lesson plan by Violetta Ferri

My peer review of a lesson plan

Extensive reading is reading for pleasure❤️
  • Read quickly and
  • Enjoyably with
  • Adequate comprehension so they
  • Don’t need a dictionary

Aims of extensive reading

The principal objective of undertaking an extensive reading approach is to get students reading in English and liking it. Reading for pleasure requires a large selection of books be available for students to choose from at their level.

Useful Tools for E R

Creating social phrasebooks

It’s an online and visual interactive English dictionary that helps you find the meanings of words and draw connections to associated words.

Rewordify simplifies difficult English. Enter hard sentences and you'll instantly see an easier version, for fast understanding

My ER lesson plan

My idea of Extensive reading
Participants will be guided to find resources such as videos and other materials in order to build up a repository of good practices and Open Educational Resources to be used in innovative CLIL environments (BYOD; Flipped Classroom).

What is LearningApps?

LearningApps is a Web 2.0 application, to support learning and teaching processes with small interactive modules. Those modules can be used directly in learning materials, but also for self studying. The aim is to collect reusable building blocks and make them available to everyone.

Quizlet is a online learning tool . Search millions of study sets or create your own. Improve your grades by studying with flashcards, games and more.

Interactive concept maps that you can coustomize and share

A free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere

Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization with a goal of creating an accessible place for people to be educated. The organization produces short lectures in the form of You Tube videos. Its website also includes supplementary practice exercises and tools for educators.

Interactive tests


Assessment and evaluation in CLIL

Evaluation grids

My evaluation grid whit RubiStar

My movie for TechnoCLIL 2017

Tools for videos
Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling

Stories help young learners acquire...

Language, values, knowledge, cultural identity, cultural awareness

Stories help young learners develop...

Multiple intelligences, critical thinking, creative thinking...



Created with images by Pezibear - "person human female" • Ben_Kerckx - "child girl people" • Enokson - "I <3 Books ... even closer" • hansbenn - "book read rose" • hansbenn - "book read rose" • BibBornem - "reading book girl read" • semslibrarylady - "kids reading book" • ajleon - "BYOD" • Pexels - "close-up food open" • rotkevichkonstantin - "cinema projector overhead projector" • WikiImages - "baron munchausen tall tales storyteller"

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