Ancient Greek Running BY: Emery fresca

The definition of running is the action of movement.

There were four types of races at Olympia. The stadium was the oldest event of the Games. Runners sprinted for 1 state or the length of the stadium.the other race was a 2 stade race. A long distance run which ranged from 7 to 24 stades

In Ancient greece, the history of funning can be traked backd to 776 B.C. Running was important to members of the ancient greek society.

Running was the oldest and most important Olympic sport. A sprint event of about of about 180m, was even the only event. Up to the Roman period, the victor of the stadium race gave his name to the Olympiad in which he won.

In our olypics today we only have one type of race. In ancient grece they had three called the dolichos, stade race, and diaulo. We had some similiar but no the smae races . Also the Ancient Greece peopedid noit wear clothes we do.

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