The Congo BY: Kaitlin and Morgan

The Democratic Republic of Congo is still recovering from a war known as "Africa's first World War" .

Time Period: 1994-2003

Cause of Conflict: between the rich and the poor, the rich are living expensive lifestyles and hoarding all the rich resources and the lower class can barely get a school or proper health care.

Issue of the Conflict: It made the poorer class basically starved and not able to take care of themselves.

People involved: Rwanda & the Kinshasa government

Resolution: Presidents of Congo and Rwanda sign peace agreement in 2002



Created with images by LTHWRK - "Congo Beach" • Forsaken Fotos - "East Wing" • L'amande - "Jeux d'enfants" • Diario Critico Venezuela - "CONGO-AVIATION-TRANSPORT-ACCIDEN" • Wendyfleury - "africa little girl big sister"

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