PC Engineers Molli yates | Period 7

What They Do

PC Engineers create programs to use on your computer or mobile device. Some just upgrade the computer or device to make it easier to use.

Job Outlook

PC Engineers are expected to grow by 3% between 2014 and 2024. The computer hardware enginnering careers earn a median annual salary of $111,730 and the software engineering careers get $105,570.


The employers prefer workers who have a bachelors degree in science or a related subject and also an advanced degree in mathematics. They would prefer these things because it takes a lot of knowledge to achieve this career.

Nearby Colleges That Offer this Degree

Washington State University. 


Computer hardware engineer- $111,730 Software engineer- $105,570 Electronics Engineer- $98,270 Computer Support Specialists- $51,470

Why I Chose This Career

I chose this career because I'm interested in computers and I think it would be very cool to get the opportunity to work with devices and make a program. 

Study skills I could improve

I could improve my mathematical skills, science skills, and electronic skills. 



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