19th century sports Sss

Why were Igbo sports played and how were they played ?

They played soccer,basketball,table and lawn tennis,swimming,cricket,hockey,pollo,squash racket,weight lifting,judo,handball, and many other sports just like now and days. Things are kinda different.But I think back in the days they played it differently.Soccer was very traditional because they played it in many different places.And many people were good at it. They made it to the champions and got paid for doing what they love.But in the olden days they didn't get paid because it's different times.

Sports now

Sports today are slightly different from the ones back the. Sports you get paid, you get seen on tv while doing the things you love soccer is played mostly the same. But I think that you had to keep the ball in the air back in the days.mostly just played it. But now it's both genders both girls and boys.


Most people also played boxing.boxing used to be to see how long people can last in the ring and whose stronger.Most people just join boxing for anger problem.to try and relieve there stress.people from today's boxing in anger either way they get payed.either they win or lose.they get crazy money.they might come out of the ring bloody and bruised but still get paid.

Why they played sports

Created with images by JamesDeMers - "fox hunting sidesaddle accident tumble" • hannibal1107 - "19th Century American Art" • hannibal1107 - "French and Spanish Art, 18th-19th Century" • Nick Kenrick.( back home ) - "Old Havana ... Catedral de San Cristobal"

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