Crying chickens Website About the chicken God

Where "Crying Chicken" came from

Crying Chicken is a sad story. I cry very easily and I have been called cry baby so there's the crying part. The chicken part is from me being bullied I was usually called chicken. The chicken army, the Crying Chicken Logo doesn't represent the chicken animal. The army is everyone that has been bullied and my logo is the fiery soul of everyone who's been called chicken. This is also the reason why the channel mascot is a chicken.

Crying Chicken's Life

My life isn't the best but not the worst. My mom was abused before I was born. At the age of two I was in a car accident. Car flipped over aunts back broke and blood was everywhere. Skin was torn off my face doctors got the skin back on which is my scar now. My big bro being thrown across the room for something so stupid by a family member we don't talk about. My bro now mentally disabled I had to take the role of being the bigger brother. Mom having so many health problems I hold a huge role to my family. We went to Disney twice once when I was four another when around twelve. I go out to eat with them and I've made so many friends. My best friend who was my babysitter from birth died a couple years after that from a rare cancer. I saw her be tortured by it for four long years. My great grandpa recently passing soon started forgetting bout me but he knew my mom and brother which tore me inside. I'm happy I started my YouTube channel with you guys you've helped in hard cases so thank you.


I am in a relationship with a girl named Emily. She's helped me through so much and she barely even knows it. Like all couples we fight but we still love each other.



I'll usually upload around 8:00 pm Central Time on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays

Send me an email which will possibly be featured in a video

Make sure to find this when you look up Crying Chicken


Spark helped a lot but all the pictures and info was by me Crying chicken

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