Hoffman's Ministry Update November 2016

Thanksgiving Edition

Robin Hills

There is about discipleship: "Slow is fast" Starting discipleship groups at Robin Hills this term has been very slow. I (Letty) have done the first GodCard (a great discipleship tool) about 5 times with different kids. We continue to pray for more consistency with our kids but in a school environment where weather, exams, space limitation, ect has been a factor, we are thankful for the open door and opportunity to reach children with the Gospel.

Transformation Vrededorp

Fiona and Sakkie, two of our amazing leaders did a dry of our Transformation Vrededorp recycle business this past Saturday. The plan is to get our teens collecting and turning old bottles into functional items to be sold. Above is the first bunch they did which each child got to take home. The kids were enthusiastic and worked hard. This project has the potential to give employment for our kids in years to come.

Lennon and I stand back like proud parents more then project managers when we think of how our kids have grown so much this year. It’s beautiful to see how more compassionate our children are. In a community where it’s “every man for himself” our kids are a Godly difference. We have seen them loving interact with each other, reach out to their community and pray for the nations. We know that this comes from them experiencing God’s love through worship and discipleship by our loving volunteers. We are thankful for the kids stepping out to minister in the community as well as the two teens who have joined our volunteer team and help out at the homework centre.

Nokuthula and Kena

We are thankful for these two amazing humans. As the Hoffmans begun our transition phase at His Kids, these two stepped up as team leaders for our Sunday team that serves every two weeks. They are both exceptional leaders and we are honoured to serve under them.

Last but not least, we are thankful for you our amazing partners. This year started out with great hopes and dreams and we have seen the Lord do above what we could have asked or imagined and each of you have been a part of it. So thank you, thank you!

Lennon & Letty Hoffman

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Lennon & Letty Hoffman

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