Creation of The Holy Roman Empire Tate HAger


Clovis converted the Franks to Christianity.

Built military strength discreetly.

Fought against Roman rule.

Established the Merovingian Dynasty.

Became the first king to rule over all of the Frankish tribes.

Pepin The Short

Pepin the Short established the Carolingian Empire.

Appointed by the Pope as king in 752 AD.

Promised his protection of the church from non Christian tribes.

Strengthened ties between the Franks and the Catholic Church.


Crowned king of the Holy Roman Empire in 800.

Reformed laws, education, and monetary standards.

Known as the Father of Europe and Charles the Great.

His mother was known as Bigfoot Bertha.

Expanded the Frankish Empire.

Founded both French and German monarchies.


Created with images by Harold Litwiler, Poppy Big Oak Photography - "Aya Sophia, Istanbul Turkey" • CircaSassy - "A school history of Germany: from the earliest period to the establishment of the German empire in 1871 (1874)"

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