My Photography Journal By: Rachel yeung

Assignment 5 Street Binary: This photo is a part of street photography and is like Fan Ho's Photos because I used different contrast and has only light and dark. You can see different contrast between the floor and the other things in the picture.
Assignment 5 Street Binary: I was walking to the mall as I saw this view, I thought it would be a nice view of how Hong Kong is like around the neighborhood with a skyscraper in the middle of the photo. How different do you think it is to different places? What do you think of this neighborhood? These photos are called street photography. As you can see, there is different contrast in this photo, light and dark. Which spots can you spot that are brighter then the other?
Assignment 4 Irving Penn: This is a photo of a tradesperson. I would put this photo in my journal because you can tell easily that he is a chef at this restaurant. You can tell that they weren't looking at the camera because they were very busy cooking food for the people in the restaurant. I put this as black and white because I think it fits in to the photo, you can see there are different contrast to this photo.
Assignment 4 Irving Penn: This is another photo of a tradesperson in Hong Kong. This is a flight attendant that was on duty during the Mid Autumn Festival. I choose this photo because it connects with this assignment and also connects with Fan Ho's photography by making the photo light or Dark and old or young.
Assignment 4 Irving Penn: This photo is another photo of a trades person in Hong Kong, a police. This photo also connects with Fan Ho's photo, making it light or dark, lighting angles and the different contrast.
This photo is a picture of Manya, who helped me model for my picture. We had studio shooting, and we needed a person who would help me for this picture.
Assignment 1 Beauty: I thought this would be a nice photo for this assignment. I really like this photo because to me is looks like a tourist spot and the bridge looks very nice. I took this photo night in a straight angle, I turned my phone so it would make the photo nicer.

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