México Mexico d.f

The capital of Mexico is Mexico d.f

Mexico's cultural and typical clothing

For women, a typical outfit includes a mexican skirt, huipil, quechquémitl, and un rebozo.

For men the mariachi outfit consists of an elegant snugly tailored black suit and vest, extravagantly trimmed with a soft tie, revolver and wide brimmed sombrero. It was originated in the western region of Mexico in the state of Jalisco.

El clima

Mexico varies from tropical to desert and the United States is mostly temperate , but tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the great plains west of the Mississippi River, and arid in the Great Basin of the southwest; low winter temperatures in the northwest are ameliorated occasionally in January and February by warm chinook winds from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains

La bandera

Los nuevos significados de los colores fueron adoptados por el entonces presidente de México, Benito Juárez. El color verde significa independencia y esperanza. Según los creadores de la bandera, la franja vertical verde de la izquierda representa el movimiento de independencia y separación de España.

Comida Tipica

Some foods are birria, tamales, enchiladas, tacos, pozole


La población

The population of México is 122.3 million people, the overwhelmingly largest ethnic group in Mexico is the Mestizos who are mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry.

El dinero


1 Mexican peso equals 0.054 US dollar

The economy of Mexico is the 15th largest in the world.

El gobierno

Mexico has a Federal Republic government

La historia

Mexico reciebio la independencia de el Padre Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla en el 16 demSeptiembre del 1810.

Idioma Nacional


La religion

Las 3 religiones mas populares son la Católica, Protestantes y Evangélica, y los Testigos de Jehová.

El mapa


Created with images by darrellperry - "sombrero hat mariachi" • rodro - "bellas artes building mexico" • softed75 - "flag socket mexico"

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