Our 'Can'tastic Project Kris, Daniel, and Thomas


The purpose of this project is to find out how volume optimized cans are in a grocery store.

Define Optimization

"An act, process, or methodology of making something as fully perfect, functional, or effective as possible" -Merriam-Webster

In Other Words..

We want to know how much "stuff" can a cylinder container actually hold while maintaining the same amount of material (or surface area).

Our 4 Cans

Surface Area = A = (2*π*r*h)+(2*π*r*r)

Volume = V = π*r*r*h

Great Value: Canola Oil

Radius: 2.75 centimeters

Height: 23.30 centimeters

Surface Area: 450.11 centimeters squared

Volume: 553.57 centimeters cubed

Coca-Cola Can

Radius: 2.60 centimeters

Height: 12.40 centimeters

Surface Area: 263.34 centimeters squared

Volume: 245.04 centimeters cubed

Bush's Best: Grillin' Beans

Radius: 4.25 centimeters

Height: 11.50 centimeters

Surface Area: 420.58 centimeters squared

Volume: 652.57 centimeters cubed

Morton's: Season-All

Radius: 3.10 centimeters

Height: 16.00 centimeters

Surface Area: 372.03 centimeters squared

Volume: 483.05 centimeters cubed

Our variables

Surface Area (A): Since we are not adding or taking away material, the surface area will remain constant throughout the entire process.

Radius (r): Finding the optimized radius of the container is the first step to the process.

Height (h): In order to find the optimized height, we first had to find the optimized radius. Once we solved for the radius, that number was plugged into the surface area formula.

Volume (v): Once the optimized height and optimized radius are found, we plug those numbers into the original volume formula. The answer will give you the maximum amount of space the container can contain.

Percent of Optimization: This will be the final product of the project. The percentage of optimization can be found by dividing the initial volume by the optimized volume and multiplying that number by one hundred. This percentage lets us know how optimized our containers are.

Lets Get Started!

Step 1: Find the Optimized Radius

Change the Surface Area Equation:

* Do not forget this formula. We will use it again later to find the optimized height.

Plug the Height Formula Into the Volume Formula:

* You can only solve for one variable at a time, therefore, the height must be in terms of the radius.

Find the Derivative of the "New" Formula:

* "Find the derivative" is just a fancy calculus way of saying "find the slope". Once you find the derivative of the formula, you then will be able to find the slope at any given point (even the highest point!!!).

Set the Slope of the Volume Equal to Zero and Solve for the Radius:

* Yayyyy! Now you have found the optimized radius!

Step 2: Find the Optimized Height

Plug the Optimized Radius into the Original Height Formula:

* That was easy! We have finally have found both the optimized radius and the optimized height! Now it's time to move on to our last step.

Step 3: Plug Optimized Radius and Height into the Volume Formula

* Great! We now have the optimized volume! To find the percentage of optimization take the initial volume and divide that by the optimized volume and multiply it by 100.
Our Answers

Great Value: Canola Oil

Maximum Radius: 4.89 centimeters

Maximum Height: 9.77 centimeter

Maximum Volume: 733.18 centimeters cubed

This can is 75.50% optimized

Coca-Cola Can

Maximum Radius: 3.61 centimeters

Maximum Height: 7.21 centimeter

Maximum Volume: 294.51 centimeters cubed

This can is 89.42% optimized

Bush's Best: Grillin' Beans

Maximum Radius: 4.72 centimeters

Maximum Height: 9.45 centimeters

Maximum Volume: 662.22 centimeters cubed

This container is 98.54% optimized.

Morton's: Season All

Maximum Radius: 4.44 centimeters

Maximum Height: 8.89 centimeters

Maximum Volume: 550.92 centimeters cubed

This container is 87.68% optimized.


Great Value: Canola Oil

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Coca-Cola Can

* Google Chrome
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* HTML & JavaScript

Bush's Best: Grillin' Beans

* Google Chrome
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* HTML & JavaScript

Morton's: Season All

* Google Chrome
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* HTML & JavaScript
Thank You For Watching Our 'Can'tastic Project!


Created with images by skeeze - "beverage cans tops aluminum"

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