AM Kindergarten News March 6, 2017

Dates to Remember:

March 10- End of 2nd Trimester

March 14- March Madness Sports Shirt Day

March 16- Report Cards Distributed (please sign and return the envelope, any papers inside are yours to keep)

March 17- No School (snow make-up day if needed)

March 23- Spring Picture Day- We will have a class picture taken (money must be sent on this day if you would like to order one) and individual pictures will also be taken (All students will have a picture taken, then a packet of pictures will be sent home in a few weeks for you to purchase what you want and return money/any pictures you do not wish to purchase. If you would prefer your child to NOT have their individual picture taken, simply send in a note or email me.

March 27- Vocabulary Day- Dress in a way that explains the definition of a word

March 28- College Shirt/Sweatshirt Day

March 29- Backwards/Inside Out Day

March 30- Super Hero Day

March 31- WM T-Shirt Day

This week in Kindergarten...

Monday will be our reading assessment day. There will be substitutes in our classrooms to allow for us to read one on one during the day. I always look forward to this time and love seeing how they are doing on an individual basis!

We will continue learning about the -it rhyme chunk.

We will read a few more Dr. Seuss books this week. We are also using the nonsense/made up aspects of his books to give us ideas to create our own nonsense stories in our writing.

We will learn about wind and the effects of wind. We will be "windy weather watchers" and track the wind each day this week.

In math we will work on telling number stories (and using the symbols to write a number sentence to go with it), learn how to use a number line to help with addition and subtraction, learn how to use dominoes to add and also work more on teen numbers.


Created with images by Smitty 54017's Photos - "Wind Mill"

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