
Who invented basketball?

Dr James Naismith invented the game of basketball.

When and where was basketball invented?

In 1891 in Springfield Massachusetts basketball was invented.

How long did it take, and where did it become an official Olympic sport?

Basketball became an official Olympic sport at the summer games in Berlin, Germany 1936.

Who has the most NBA championships?

The Boston Celtics have the most NBA championships with 17 and having 7 in a row from 1960 to 1966.

How many players are allowed on the court?

Originally, two teams of 9 players made up a basketball game, a number that was based on the standard number of players on a baseball team. Later, the teams were reduced to 5 players on the court.

What was used as the ball during early games?

In early basketball games a soccer ball was used and players would rub coal dust on their hands to get a better grip.

When the game was invented what was used as the backboards and hoops?

The first hoops used were actually peach baskets and the first backboards were made of wire.


Created with images by paulbr75 - "outdoor basketball rim net" • Taylor.McBride™ - "Half Court" • slgckgc - "Day 57 - Nothing But Net" • S. Yodo - "Boston Celtics Wallpaper v1" • Mr ATM - "Titans Thunder-08" • jarmoluk - "football the ball sport" • Boston Public Library - "Peaches In a Basket"

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