Money Management By: Brennan Vilcheck

We all encounter finances somewhere in our life.

Finances are a hardship everyone faces at some point of their lives.

Common types of financial issues are being unable to pay bills or taxes, student loans, having a low credit score, and poor money management skills.

Financial hardships and worry over how to deal with them can lead to higher levels of stress.

the solution would be personal finance and stress management courses, to help students learn to cope with stress and manage their finances

Knowing how to manage money can lead to a better financial life and more opportunities to help others.
Knowing you are financially sound will also help relieve stress, then again, that is what a trip to the Bahamas is for.


Created with images by stevepb - "credit squeeze taxation purse" • Images_of_Money - "Tax" • Inha Leex Hale - "personal financial management" • Ben124. - "Aldgate: people" • bottled_void - "stress" • WalrusWaltz - "IMG_1398" • jollyUK - "Money" • TMDaub - "sunrise sunset fern"

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