Vegetable Peeler Lily lowe

Chocolate Shavings: A vegetable peeler can be used to shave bits of chocolate off the bar of chocolate. The chocolate shavings are used to garnish many foods, especially desserts.
Slivers of cheese: You can use a vegetable peeler to cut thin slices of cheese off of the block. The slices of cheese can be used as a decorative garnish that is also edible and yummy!
Citrus zest: The vegetable peeler can be used to peel citrus in order to use the peeling for a pretty and colorful garnish. The peel is usually thin and in a curly or fashionable formation.
Cucumbers and other vegetables: The vegetable peeler is also used to peel all kinds of vegetables. The vegetable peel and also the thinly sliced vegetable is used as a garnish for all kinds of different dishes.

Tips for when using a vegetable peeler:

1. When using a vegetable peeler peel away from you.

2. Make sure you do not use the peeler too quickly or else you could hurt yourself.


Created with images by garycycles2 - "peeler" • pixel2013 - "miniature figure modelleisenbahn figure miniature" • Collin Anderson - "Cheese and a potato peeler work very well together" • 1lenore - "Peel Lemons" • MDMallett - "Cucumber!"

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