Crazy Rumors New Social Srategy

We moved away from graphics and type to actual colorful product images and videos with playful messages that were on brand and encouraged engagement. We focused on what our audience (women 25-35) cares about. We also worked on engaging with as many people as we could, as fast as we could.

Consistency in look is also important

Here's what we've noticed after only two weeks:

You can tell what people respond to and do more of it. For us: lots of balms 💕
Lifestyle works. The product doesn't even need to be in every post. 🍊
Colorful and fun settings are inspiring to them
More people using (or being used by!) The product makes it relatable 💋
LOTS of products are still the posts that work the best. Throw in a giveaway and see your numbers go ☝️
Trendy assessories and clothing makes the product more desirable, too.

By taking a lifestyle angle and making the product seen in the real world, we saw people relate to it in a more meaningful way. They can see themselves using it and having the lifestyle it represents.

Using fan photos also helps engaging with them and creating a special bond. Not to mention, fresh content! Just don't EVER forget to give proper credit - 📸 @marladanielle 😉

So here is some data:

Facebook page views 👀 +98%

Instagram impressions ☝️+340%

Instagram website clicks 👩🏻‍💻+112%

Social Media is a powerful tool when you deliver content that is relevant to your audience, not to yourself.


📸: @charlottelovely

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