Parkour Rights "Sport Rights"

Most people see parkour as being easy and cool. The media sees it as dangerous and illegal. And some people don't know what it is. And a few people hate it and want it to stop 100%

I do parkour, so logically I support it.

If you go online, for example Youtube, and you look up parkour you will find both parkour fails and real parkour.

If you watch parkour fails you will either laugh or you will hate parkour for what it does to people

In parkour you will get hurt. My instructor says that theirs a difference between being really hurt (broken bones) and just hurt (a bruise).

Some people who are very very dumb will climb up things like that crane and hang by one arm from it

I think that people should start liking parkour for what it is. People choose to do stupid things. They should stop doing stupid things, but let the other people do what they want to do.

Let us do parkour and some of us will stop going illegal places and doing really stupid things.

Want to jump over and off stuff? Try parkour | The Raleigh News and Observer, adapted by Newsela staff 11.24.2014

A sport called parkour brings enemies together in China's Xinjiang province | McClatchy Washington Bureau, adapted by Newsela staff 08.21.2015

Running, jumping, climbing: Parkour takes off | Associated Press, adapted by Newsela staff 03.04.2014

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