Great Lakes Library "Knowledge begins in wonder"- Samual P. Langley 1899

Welcome! Our library is run by Mrs. Orleskie and Mrs. Madden.

It is open all day during school hours. Students have the opportunity to come up everyday and check out books as they need to. Most students come up during our Morning Checkout Time from 8:40-9:30 a.m. or in the afternoon from 3:00-3:15 p.m.

We have over 15,000 book titles, subscribe to 12 magazines and more than 10 databases. In the month of January, students and staff checked out almost 5,000 items! The library page received over 3,000 hits!

NEW HAPPENINGS! Genrefication and Makerspace

Our Fiction section is now organized by genre!

Like stories about sports?

Popular authors like Matt Christopher, Mike Lupica, and Jake Maddox live on these shelves.

A mix of stories to please both girls and boys.

Prison breaks? Deserted islands? Wilderness adventures? Classic dog stories?

Authors like: Gary Paulsen, Gordon Korman, Preus, Sachar, and Farley

Stories with historical aspects

American Girl, Dear America diaries, Royal Diaries, Little House on the Prairie

These are all stories with elements that could really happen.

Read about different families, pets, and life experiences

Similar to fantasy as these stories have some crazy story elements that couldn't really happen, but focus more on science, time-travel, aliens, and the unexplained.

Series include: Franny K. Stein, Unfortunate Events, Choose Your Own Adventure, Time Warp Trio, and Among the Hidden

Like tales that send shivers up your spine?

These deal mostly with ghosts. Goosebumps books and Scooby Doo are shelved here.

Mystical creatures, magic, fairies, dragons, flying carpets, and castles with princesses abound in the stories that are in the Fantasy section.

Some of the tales include: Bad Kitty, Magic Tree House, Bailey School Kids, Charlie Bone, and Harry Potter

The flexible schedule allows teachers and small groups to use the library throughout the day on an as-needed basis. This means that our RTI groups often meet here to work with Mrs. Orleskie on different projects. A variety of online and offline activities have been explored this year by different grades.

Kindergarten has participated in author studies and they made Eric Carle inspired art for fall. They learned about Tux Paint and then illustrated drawings on that software. Currently, students are working on learning new vocabulary, typing sentences in Microsoft Word, and adding illustrations.

Eric Carle inspired paper
Ripping paper to fill in our fall outlines. Check out our Lab wall!

First Grade RTI has been working on Rainforest research! We aren't quite done yet, so I won't give away the surprise.

Second Grade RTI has worked on Coding by using our Robotic Mice as well as websites like, and We also used scenes from our book groups to illustrate in the ScratchJr. App. Currently, we are typing our summaries from our book groups.

Third Grade RTI did a book group about Encyclopedia Brown and his detective skills. We also played Citation Tag, proposed "I wonder" questions about the oceans, and researched our questions using online databases from the library page. Some were World Almanac for Kids, DK Find It, and Encyclopedia Britannica.

Fourth Grade RTI has done coding, research on a variety of topics such as the Dewey Decimal System, presidents, and topics of interest related to their book groups. They typed up and presented their findings to the group. Their Dewey Exploration is up on the board in the hallway. Most recently their pop-up book about Jack and the Beanstalk was accomplished through a great deal of team work and problem solving.

Fifth Grade RTI has also worked on coding, a brief introduction to pop-up books, and researched Australia. Much of their RTI time focuses on deeper learning of content areas connected to Social Studies, most recently the 13 colonies.

Whole classes also come in to work on the computers or with different library materials. We have done Map and Rock Centers with the Third Grade, and in the spring they will do one on Superior History. Classes learn about citations, good research skills, digital citizenship, and online safety. We are constantly working on picking out "just right books" and expanding our love of reading through book talks, library visits, and read-alouds.

Lastly, the Makerspace is a work in progress. Mrs. Orleskie is hoping to tie extension activities in with the Reading Curriculum and Science Units.

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