Faith Paschal art 1 Portfolio

Line & Rhythm: This is picture of my finished line and rhythym trading card. This is one my favorite cards. I like this card because it has a lot of patterns and lines. My favorite thing about this card is the elephant in the middle. At first I had a lot of trouble getting it to print right but, it finally worked out. I also had a lot of trouble with getting the "plexiglass" off of the paper. When I tried taking it up some of the card came off with it but I honestly think it left a nice texture to it.
Shape & Movement: This is my in progress photo of my shape and movement card. I decided to do a "flying" bird because I thought the flying part could be the movement because the bird is flying. I did this as shape because the bird is actually a shape. My favorite thing about this card is the ombre inside of the bird. I chose to use the technique of ombre because the unity in the colors looked really good together. The ombre on the inside reminds me of flame blowing in the wind. This could be a symbol that the bird is actually moving. I am thinking about keeping the background white because it may take away from the picture if i add a background. This picture also has a kind of rough texture to it which I like a lot.
Texture & Repetition: This is the finished product of my texture and repetition. This is also one of my favorite cards. I used many different materials for this card. I used bubble wrap, plexiglass, gold and black paint. The first thing that I did to this card was tape down the sides so I could do the perimeter design. Next I took the silver paint and painted the bubble wrap and placed it on the card. Then I took a little bit of gold paint and went back over it. The last thing I done was I took some black paint and put it on the plexiglass and mashed down on the paint pallet and after I did that it put a really cool "leaf print" on it. This card has a mixture of textures to it. In some spots the it's really rough and in some areas it it kind of smooth.

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