Jackson Pollock By: Ryan Nichols B Period

Paul Jackson Pollock

Pollock was born on January 28, 1912

Pollock died on August 11, 1956 (Age 44)

Pollock was born in Cody, Wyoming in the U.S.

Pollock was an alcoholic he majority of his life.

Alcoholism is what ended up causing his death in a single- car accident.

Pollock spent all of his time on his art, which was his desire for success.

Pollock said, "It doesn't make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement."

Pollock also said, "The painting has a life of its own, I try to let it come through."

Pollock was in the abstract expressionist art movement.

My favorite piece of art by Jackson Pollock is the A Master of Chaos and Order

Jackson Pollock: A Master of Chaos and Order

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